August 2022

I have Arthritis..or is it Bursitis?

At first glance, Arthritis and Bursitis seem similar. They’re two of the most common joint problems. They both involve inflammation, cause joint pain, and can affect your ability to use the joint. Despite these similarities, arthritis and bursitis are more different than alike. They each have a distinct cause. Additionally, the nature of your pain and […]

I have Arthritis..or is it Bursitis? Read More

A Tale of Two Neuropathies

No two patients have the same neuropathy. Each patient has their own story: how it started, how long it has been present, the severity, the type, the symptoms and even the treatments vary for each patient. There is no one-size-fits-all for neuropathy. At Integrative Pain & Spine Institute, Dr. Manvar specializes in treating all types of

A Tale of Two Neuropathies Read More

Joint Pain Be Gone!

If you routinely go through your day pushing through your Joint Pain it’s time to take a different approach. Constantly reusing a painful joint only increases your chance of progressive joint damage. Instead of taking that risk, let our team help you decrease pain and enjoy activities again. How can you get better? Read Below!

Joint Pain Be Gone! Read More


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Integrative Pain & Spine- Mallard Creek

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